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Movie analysis = Braveheart

Text Box: M. Fatih Satria K. 7ETHE FORM OF ANALYSIS

1.     Story Title

2.     Characters
Possible Inner Characters
William Wallace (Young Wallace)
The old Wallace
His uncle

Robert the Bruce
Robert the Elder
Edward Longshanks
French princess Isabella

Lochlan and Mornay
Brave, great leadership, willing to sacrifice

Kind because he took care of William Wallace when his father died
Kind, trustworthy
Great leadership
Evil, liar, greedy
Loyal, soft-hearted
Cunning, but then kind when she told Longshanks’ strategy to William Wallace

3.     Settings
Possible Place of the Story
Possible Time of The Story
Scotland, Edinburgh, London
13th century

4.     Problems
The king of Scotland died without a son to succeed the throne. Then England tried to invade and take control of Scotland. A man from Scotland, William Wallace is willing to do everything so his country will get their freedom. William Wallace who is married to Murron, at first he wants to settle down and have a baby. But then the English killed his wife, and he got very angry.

5.     Solutions
William Wallace led the Scotsmen to fight against England. Scotland slowly but surely were getting their freedom because of Wallace’s bravery. But sadly, Wallace was captured and executed.

6.     Conclusion (the ending part) of the story
Years after the death of Wallace, Robert the Bruce took over and led the Scotsmen into battle against English. Finally, Scotland got their well-deserved freedom.

7.     Moral values
Never give up when you have the passion to do it. Believe that nothing is impossible no matter how hard it is.

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